Tattooed teardrops line the sterilized institutional halls for the morning call – hot flesh delivered live from the cold hard streets of steel keeps the iron ball rolling, the silver bell tolling, and the lead still flowing. There is no…
Kaliq Woods, Hottest Jazz Clarinet Player in Chicago
In my opinion, Kaliq Woods is by far the hottest clarinet player in Chicago. I first met Kaliq back in 2009 playing some sick Jazz over by the Wrigley Building. Toady I ran into him on the corner of Adams…
The End of Little Cheyenne? Aldermen Push to Close Down Ewing Annex Hotel
Tucked away in a dreary little corner of Chicago’s financial district, directly in the shadow of the tallest building in the Western hemisphere, sits a tiny row of buildings on the 400 block of South Clark Street, that makeup all…
Homeless City, Lower Wacker
I found another homeless city down on Lower Wacker today.
Report From the Street: Hard To Help the Most Needy
Henry hasn’t had a change of clothes in years, not months, but several years. His curled toenails protrude from the front of his shoes like hood ornaments on a 71 Cadillac. The back of his pants… well, there is no…
Between these two…
Between these two… There’s a homeless man living under lower Wacker Drive just off the walking path that follows the river. During the day, while the inhabitant is out foraging, I often stroll past his little patch of concrete that…
American Schmuck
He’s an American schmuck, don’t even know what hit him. Cancer stick dangles from the bobbling head of the neck-tied bandit trading commodities on the floor of the exchange. He’s banking on America, making swaps on his futures, running out…
Chicago Street Performers: Jeremy Scott
Jeremy Scott – Musician, song writer, speaker.