The Tea Party, Hitler, and the German People The more people demonize Hitler, the more they forget about the individual responsibility of the German citizens and churches. Who will we blame if the radicals at the base of the Tea…
Remote Control Terrorism – The “Professional” Anti-Muslim Pundits
Remote Control Terrorism – The “Professional” Anti-Muslim Pundits Every gas station in town had long lines that stretched down the street as people scurried to fill their tanks. Grocery stores had their shelves cleared of bottled water, flashlights, and canned…
The Puritan Poison: America’s Psychological Economy
Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can help pave the way. In order to maximize human well-being, having one’s basic material requirements for life is necessary; food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. We could also add contemplation, recreation, and…
Founding Principles: Separation of Powers
One of the hot topics along the front lines of the culture war is the issue of the relationship between religion and government. In an attempt to establish a political theocracy, right-wing Christian Nationalists have designed their own historical narrative…
Marx’s Jesus – Was Jesus a Socialist?
“Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” Jesus replied: “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.” -Matthew 19:21 It’s always entertaining…
Contrasting Plato and Aristotle
Many people often ask about the differences between the philosophy of Plato and that of Aristotle. Today in America, those with any sort of religious association at all are familiar, either consciously or unconsciously, with St. Augustine and Plato. But…
Defending the Wall: Part One – Article VI
“The only question is where in the Constitution is this non-existent ‘separation of church and state’ to be found?” The standard argument made by Christian Nationalists is that the specific words “separation of church and state” are not located in…
Test of Faith – Thomas Jefferson’s Jesus
“Why all these pains, and what need of sureties? There is a short and easy way to settle the whole business. Let Mr. Jefferson only set his name to the first part of the apostles’ creed. ‘I believe in God,…