I’m etting all my cast ready for a new season of good wood stove cooking!
The final solution
The final solution… Has Israel finished driving Gaza into the sea yet? How many Arab children are under the rubble?
Accidental murder…
Kill them all and let God sort them out…
Dear Diary – November 6, 2023
Removing complications. Things that require gas powered motors come with complexities and complications. And noise… Things that require gas powered motors also come with noise. I guess I’ll remove noise too!
Kill them all
Bombing women and children is fine, they deserve it. Chasing over one million people from their homes is fine, they are not Christians, so they are less than human anyway. Ethnic cleansing is fine, as long as it’s Muslims that…
In the narrow streets of Gaza
In the narrow streets of Gaza, you can hear the infants cry, in the narrow streets of Gaza where Israeli missils fly. It happened oh so long ago, as the story goes, about a people and their god with a…
The Holy Land
The Holy Land – The gods bleed children’s tears, the bombs fall like raining fears. A mother shrieks her nightmare flame as the blinded world looks for someone to blame. The gray smoke gentley settles to the streets down below…
Kill one another blues
The Arabs are killing the Jews, and the Jews are killing the Arabs. The Bears are killing the Saints, and the Cubs destroyed the Cardinals. The drug fiends killed their mothers’ hope, and the fellas spiked the crackers’ dope. The…