The murder of life – There is no glory in killing little puppies. You shoot them in the head and their eyes pop out. It’s just one of those things that must be done. God made the world in such…
Cutting the darkness
The early morning desert darkness is cut clean by moon’s piercing ray
Plenty of oil
There’s plenty of oil, there’s just too many people… And low quality people at that… Every civilization needs a few clodhoppers, but we’ve taken knuckle dragging to a new level!
Horrible verdict in the Arbery/McMichael case…
So sad that those men were convicted of murder. Arbery ran at the truck, and then grabbed Travis’s shotgun, in the same way that Rosenbaum grabbed Kyle Rttenhouse’s gun. Both cases are self-defense, you just had all the race hustlers…
Alley Boys
Alley Boys – From left to right we have Radical, Stutters, Hercules, and I do not remember the young man on the far right. He had just started hanging around right at the same time I was moving to New…
May he rest in peace
This is a large print of John Lee over at Punchie’s house. A small detail about this photo if you look closely, there’s a magazine stuffed into the hole in the wall. It’s a photograph of Robin Williams with his…
I often times think of Tony..
I often times think of Tony still to this day. I fear that he is either dead, or permanently institutionalized. Tony would email me from time to time until about 2 years ago. Tony has an interesting story, and at…