Wow! 67,684 Covid19 related deaths in the US so far. At this rate, in 6 days we will be over 100,00 desths… not bad for a “fake crisis.” Personally, I’ve never seen a fake crisis kill so many people.
Watch “Weapons-grade idiocy on Parade in Santa Fe covid-19 protest” on YouTube Lockdown protesters are really embarrassing. The amount of videos that are being posted online showing these people’s weapons-grade idiocy, is truly embarrassing… I hate sharing a political party with these fucking Wingnuts.
The Constitutional right to infect others
Protesters: I’ve noticed a significant number of people who actually think they have a Constitutional right to spread their spittle all over in public… Apparently, many people just do not have any basic respect nor common courtesy for other people…
Bad logic..
The idea that Covid-19 is the creation of the left-wing fake news media, IS FAKE NEWS! I’m now seeing people trying to compare the Covid-19 to the 1918 flu pandemic, in order to minimize what is happening. The problem with…
Watch “Choosing A Side Over The Truth” on YouTube
Buy cheap junk from China!
The American economy depends on people buying lots of cheap junk from China! Help support the American economy by spending your stimulus check on cheap junk from China!
Fat land: how Americans became the fattest people in the world Not only do Americans buy more junkie crap than they can’t use, they also ingest far more calories than their bodies can actually burn. I have been preaching about the evils of consumerism for over 30 years… You are…
Walk through the grass…
Mankind forgot how to walk barefooted through the grass – slowly, deliberately, consciously. In the end, our sidewalks betrayed us.