It is hard for me to get my mind around the reality that while native Americans were producing this type of art, Michelangelo had already sculpted the David…

Every 100 years
Every 100 years, the Earth gets a fresh crop of people. We all get our chance to briefly dance and sing while traveling across the pages of time. And then, entire generations slowly slip back into the blackness of nonexistence……

Summer of love
I was born in the summer of love during the heavy fog of war. We wanted to change the world, but we didn’t know what to do. Watergate gave way to the pressures of Reaganomics, and Hulk Hogan slammed the…

Live for yourself
To create, to build, carve, etch, and mark my will into this day is what gives my life purpose and meaning. Not for others, not for the “common good” not an endless act of self-sacrifice for my neighbor, but pride…
All that remains
Wives, children, family, friends, jobs will all come and go. But your passion will live forever if you don’t allow the others to choke her. Take good care of her; feed her, caress her, love her, for she is all…

Death grip
My breath slowly fades as the new Dawn arises, few days remain, as death’s grip surprises… Good morning 🌄
The “Bloodbath”
Most of the people willing to commit violence on behalf of Trump are already in jail. I’m not worried about any “bloodbath.” Not in the auto industry, nor in our nation’s streets. Trump likes to say things that can be…

So far away
So far away, have I moved from the thoughts of everyday people. It’s as if I dwell in another world, separated from the mindless chatter that occupies their days. Today, I smiled at the Sun as it slowly rose from…