Protesters clash with Chicago Police during a Trump rally in Chicago.

Protesters Attack Trump Supporters, Clash With Police During Chicago Trump Rally

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It is now the spring of 2024. In 2016 I was sickened by how dishonest the legacy media were in their coverage of news events surrounding Donald Trump's first run for the White House. I remember coming home from covering this anti-Trump riot in Chicago and turning on CNN. What an incredible work of reality inversion they had done! It were as if CNN had attended a totally different event than the one I had just arrived home from.  In their view, violent Trump supporters had been the cause of all the trouble.  

Fast forward to 2020, and the tables had turned. Now it was Trump and FOX cranking out fake news in the form of the Big Lie. And now,  it is 2024, and the Big Lie still lives and thrives amongst MAGA loyalists. Funny how life ends up this way... 

Originally Published on: Mar 12, 2016

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations." -George Orwell

Protesters attacked several Trump supporters and then clashed with the Chicago Police during a Chicago Trump rally held at the UIC Pavilion. Due to security concerns, the Trump rally was canceled. All of the aggression that I personally witnessed, was initiated by Trump protesters.

 Protesters clash with Chicago Police during a Trump rally in Chicago.
Blood flows through the streets of Chicago, as protesters clash with Police during a Trump rally in Chicago.
Protesters destroy a ‪#‎Trump‬ merchandise vendor's stand during a Trump rally in ‪#‎Chicago‬.
Merchants evaluate the damage after protesters destroy a ‪Trump‬ merchandise vendor's stand during a Trump rally in ‪Chicago‬.

You could hear Trump protesters mindlessly yelling popular memes such as, "Trump said all Mexicans are rapists," and "Trump supports the KKK!" Apparently, many people absorb their opinions through their cultural pores, rather than through an actual rational thought process.

What did Trump really say about Mexicans and rape? He said the same thing that organizations such as Amnesty International have said. According to multiple reports, the amount of rape that's happening to little girls and women coming across our border, is truly horrific.

I'm so happy Trump brought attention to this issue. Too bad the media twists what he actually said, and that so many people are mindless enough to believe it. The media did a GREAT disservice to our citizens by misreporting what Trump actually said. Now HUGE masses of people have lies on their lips as they chant false slogans through the streets of Chicago. Truly Orwellian...

Violence erupts in ‪#‎Chicago‬ as ‪#‎Trump‬ protesters clash with police.
Violence erupts in ‪#‎Chicago‬ as ‪#‎Trump‬ protesters clash with police.
A Bernie Sanders supporter clashes with police in Chicago during an anti-Trump riot.
A Bernie Sanders supporter clashes with police in Chicago during an anti-Trump protest.

There was one point during the conflict where I thought the Chicago Police were about to be overrun by protesters. The police were spread thin in and around the UIC Pavilion.

This poor guy was attacked by Trump protesters for absolutely no reason. Apparently, the protesters did not like his Trump sign, so they took it from him and ripped it up as they yelled, "You're a racist!" They also took the man's hat.

A Trump supporter makes his escape after being attacked by a mob of anti-‪#‎Trump‬ protesters in ‪#‎Chicago‬.
A Trump supporter (center) makes his escape after being attacked by a mob of anti-‪Trump‬ protesters in ‪Chicago‬.

Basically, a bunch of thugs shut down a political rally, and then attacked Trump supporters and the police. They did this in the name of peace, tolerance, and free speech... You couldn't make this shit up.

Pandemonium erupts as ‪#‎Trump‬ protesters clash with police in ‪#‎Chicago‬. Donald J. Trump
Pandemonium erupts as ‪Trump‬ protesters clash with police in ‪Chicago‬.
A Latino protester expresses his contempt for Donald Trump during a Trump rally in Chicago as he yells, "You call my people rapists! Trump, you are a racist!"
A Latino protester expresses his contempt for Donald Trump during a Trump rally in Chicago as he yells, "You call my people rapists! Trump, you are a racist!" He's holding a Revolutionary Communist Party sign in his hand.
A protester being interviewed by Channel 5 News outside a Trump rally in Chicago. The signs in the background depicting Trum as a Nazi, were made by a local Bob Avakian Communist group that actually encourages blacks to take up arms. Avakian is the Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA.
A Trump protester being interviewed by FOX 32 News outside a Trump rally in Chicago. The signs in the background depicting Trump as a Nazi, were made by a local Bob Avakian Communist group that actually encourages blacks to take up arms. Avakian is the Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA.


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Ara Zakarian - "The beauty of the Trump rally in Chicago is...He did not even show up and we gave him exactly what he wanted, media attention and he did not even have to say a word. We played right into his hands. Well played Trump.
Silence is golden, you want to protest, do it with your vote."

Me - Yep. You helped to solidified, and even bring in more people to Trump. He's a master at playing the media. Not surprising that all the violence which I witnessed, was perpetrated by Trump protesters. Those weren't Trump people hitting cops with glass bottles and attacking civilians.

Trump is right, hit back! That's the difference, Trump NEVER called for anyone to initiate aggression towards people - only in RESPONSE to aggression. My daddy taught me that when I was 8 - you don't start fights, you finish them.

To say that a person who defends themselves against an attacker, is just as guilty of committing violence as the attacker, is truly a Cultural Marxist way to see things. Wild…

I think what happened yesterday made it abundantly clear to many, many people what's really going on. So happy that I was there to document and report.

Statement from Donald J. Trump:

I don’t see how there is any room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the statement I made on June 16th during my Presidential announcement speech. Here is what I said, and yet this statement is deliberately distorted by the media:

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you . They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs.They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people! But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people. It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.”

What can be simpler or more accurately stated?

George Carlin - Political Correctness is fascism

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Chicago Police Mounted Unit, ‪#‎TrumpRally‬, ‪#‎Chicago‬ 2016
Chicago Police Mounted Unit, ‪#‎TrumpRally‬, ‪#‎Chicago‬ 2016

It's wild watching the media hide leftist violence, while blaming the victim of said violence, for the violence! I've never witnessed such blatant dishonesty in all my life. What the fuck is wrong with you people who believe this shit? I mean seriously folks, did your brains shut down just because you hate Trump? Looks that way... What went down in Chicago was truly sad. Do you really think it's cool to use force, intimidation, and violence to silence the free speech of others, and to deny them the freedom of assembly? If so, your moral compass is seriously broken.

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Dave Nash
Dave Nash
8 years ago

In the land of free speech, I think a few need to remember “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”. Protest by all means, but other people also have the same rights as you.

8 years ago

Chuck, great photos! I truly am learning a lot from the way you photograph and what not.

However, whilst I believe your personal account of the Trump protesters being violent in Chicago, for the sake of objectivity and putting things in perspective too, I would also like to point out that Trump has mentioned publicly in his events that he would like to ‘punch those protesters in his event’, and pay for the legal fees of whomever punches the anti-Trump people at his events.

I think everyone on both sides have let their emotions get the better of them. Now, more than ever, we need tolerance and understanding.

8 years ago

For this country’s sake Trump should withdraw his candidacy. He is a far too polarizing and divisive candidate.

Why risk potentially great civil upheaval due to systemic social and economic problems that only a novice politician like Trump can delusionally think can be solved as soon as he gets elected?

Let’s all stop sharing his megalomaniac delusions.

Brett Patching
Brett Patching
8 years ago

I have to agree with Ges that Trump is a far too polarising and divisive candidate. His rhetoric is built around division and amplification of the anger of his followers. When he at the same time repeatedly puts down opposers by stating that they should get a job or that they are the ones pulling America down, I think he knows full well that he is whipping up emotion, especially when he’s speaking in cities that have recently experienced riots.