Demonstrators hold a mass march along Chicago's Magnificent Mile on Black Friday to protest alleged widespread racism within the Chicago police department. The release of a police dashcam video earlier in the the week, which showed the fatal shooting death of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald by Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, sparked multiple protests throughout the week.
CHICAGO, IL. Nov. 27, 2015 - The Reverend Jesse Jackson walks with demonstrators down Chicago's Magnificent Mile during a Black Friday protest, which was held in response to the shooting death of Laquan McDonald the Chicago Police.CHICAGO, IL. Nov. 27, 2015 - The Reverend Jesse Jackson leads several thousand demonstrators down Chicago's Magnificent Mile during a Black Friday protest, which was held in response to the shooting death of Laquan McDonald by a Chicago Police office back in 2014.CHICAGO, IL. Nov. 27, 2015 - Demonstrators chant "Hey hey! Ho ho! Rahm Emmanuel has got to go" during a protest march down Chicago's Magnificent Mile. The Black Friday protest was sparked off in response to the shooting death of Laquan McDonald by a Chicago Police office back in 2014.CHICAGO, IL. Nov. 27, 2015 - Demonstrators block shoppers from entering stores along Chicago's Magnificent Mile during a Black Friday protest in response to the shooting death of Laquan McDonald by Chicago Police officer, Jason Van Dyke.CHICAGO, IL. Nov. 27, 2015 - Pandemonium momentarily ensues as the Chicago police attempt to remove demonstrators from blocking the entrance, and attempted to enter, the Apple Store on North Michigan Avenue during a Black Friday demonstration. The protest was in response to the shooting death of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald by Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke in 2014.
As far as I could tell, the march was peaceful. Even demonstrators who made it into stores, did no damage once inside. They simply chanted, "Hey Hey! Ho Ho! Rahm Emmanuel has to go," and "16 shots and a cover up!" Once they had walked around the store, they all left on their own accord. The only incident, is captioned in the image above. Nobody was arrested, and everyone went about their business.
Pandemonium ensues as the Chicago police attempt to remove demonstrators from blocking the entrance, and attempted to enter, the Apple Store on North Michigan Avenue during a Black Friday demonstration. The protest was in response to the shooting death of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald by Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke in 2014.CHICAGO, IL. Nov. 27, 2015 - Demonstrators block shoppers from entering stores along Chicago's Magnificent Mile during a Black Friday protest in response to the shooting death of Laquan McDonald by Chicago Police officer, Jason Van Dyke.
While the march was for the most part peaceful, I must mention that this was the most disorganized march that I have ever covered.
Disorganised marches can be dangerous.. Lucky this one turned out “well” Love the Jesse Jackson photos.