Silver Spoon Boomers…

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The Silver Spoon boomers (aka "Rubs") are not liking this, and they want their money now!  Silver Spoon Boomers - Amazing how things change. I was just thinking to myself how my philosophy and my lifestyle are much closer to my grandparents than it is to my parents. My parents are silver spoon baby boomers, probably the worst generation. As a child of boomers, I really didn't agree with the consumerism and materialism that I grew up with in my household. I always admired my grandparents, how Frugal they were, how they always tried to repair things if they could, and how they liked to save for rany days. It's the Silver Spoon baby boomers who just lost much of their life savings in the stock market crash, and who now want the government to bail them out...In the biker World, these Silver Spoon boomers are known as rubs. They are extremely narcissistic, they are extremely materialistic, and they are excessively consumeristic. The vast majority of them have known very little of the world of want. These are the people who will probably not make it if this should get really severe. The poor people are more likely to survive, as they are more rugged than the Silver Spoon Boomers.

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