Street Photography Tip: Embrace the Grain – Pushing Tri-X to 1600 ISO

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Street Photography Tip: Embrace the Grain – Pushing Tri-X to 1600 ISOIn this street photography tip video I answer two questions: What does it mean to push film? Why would you want to do it?

Chicago Street Photography Workshops: October 26, 2013 and November 16, 2013

GritStreet Photography is a high-contrast, high-grain, B&W style of street photography that seeks to invoke an emotional, intellectual, social, or political response from the viewer. GritStreet is a mixture of documentary photography, photojournalism, and street photography. Unlike most pure street photography, which most often has no particular objective, GritStreet has deliberate psychological, social, and political intentions.

All of the photos at the end of the video, except for two, were captured using Tri-X pushed to 1600. The really high-grain shots are Ilford 3200.

Oh, and... DON'T do junk...

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