Street Photography Workshop Review: 4-19-2015

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As an amateur photographer I signed up for Chuck's Chicago street photography workshop not really knowing what to expect, but hopeful that I'd come away with a few insights or techniques. Well, I came away with much more than that. It's clear within minutes of meeting Chuck that he is passionate about photography and that he has a deep understanding from its history to the techniques. Chuck begins by asking about your photography background and skills and then he leads from there. I came in understanding the basics of photography and rules of composition, but Chuck was able to explain and demonstrate the importance of these rules, and how putting all of it together leads to great photos.

I told Chuck that one thing I was really hoping to learn was how to "see" better when I am out the streets. As we went around town, Chuck explained how he was seeing things and then he had me practice by dictating what I was seeing, all while adding his own insights and bits that I had missed. It was invaluable experience to practice it and have it explained from a professional. Chuck also taught me the importance of having a theme, knowing your surroundings, and finding relationships between all the things you see. These were all great takeaways from the workshop.

To sum it up, I would recommend his workshop without hesitation. I felt I had learned more in those few hours than I had in the previous months reading street photography blogs and practicing on my own. Whether you have an interest in street photography or just photography in general, you will leave having learned something that will take your photography a step further. Thank you, Chuck!

Best regards,
Joe Brunner

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