Originally Published on: Aug 4, 2014 “The Arabs will have to go, but one needs an opportune moment for making it happen, such as war.” -Ben-Gurion On Saturday August 2, 2014 approximately twenty-five thousand people took to the streets…

Documenting the Human Experience
Originally Published on: Aug 4, 2014 “The Arabs will have to go, but one needs an opportune moment for making it happen, such as war.” -Ben-Gurion On Saturday August 2, 2014 approximately twenty-five thousand people took to the streets…
“The Arabs will have to go, but one needs an opportune moment for making it happen, such as a war.” – Ben-Gurion, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Ilan Pappe, p. 23. A small crowd of approximately 500 people gathered outside…
I can’t tell you the overwhelming feeling of oneness that overtook me as I watched thousands of people take to the streets of Chicago today, in support of the Palestinian people. Emotion swelled from deep within my soul as I…
Around one thousand people gathered in Chicago’s Daley Plaza today to show their support for the people of Gaza, by participating in the International Day of Quds. Several speakers voiced their opposition to the unjust occupation and aerial bombardment of…
UPDATE March 9, 2016 A false report is now being circulated online that people were chanting “Death to America” during this rally. The truth: No such thing happened. Here is the false report being passed around by Rush Limbaugh on…