A few shots from last night's Total Fight Challenge (TFC 135) at the Willowbrook Ballroom in Willow Springs, IL.
Takedown - TFC 135 - Chicago area MMA, Friday September 25, 2015Safety first... Blaise Filas gets checked out by the house doctor during a match with Ivan Bivanco during TFC 135, Friday September 25, 2015.Derrick Wick (Bottom) works his ground defense skills as Eddie Lopez delivers a hailstorm of strikes from above, during TFC 135, Friday September 25, 2015.Eddie Lopez (Left) throws a kick to the head which is successfully blocked by Derrick Wick during TFC 135, Friday September 25, 2015.Derrick Wick (Top) attempts to lock-in an arm-bar on his opponent, Eddie Lopez, during TFC 135, Friday September 25, 2015.Derrick Wick (Bottom) employs a suplex on his his opponent, Eddie Lopez, during TFC 135, Friday September 25, 2015.Ronnie Gibbs (Top) pounds his opponent, Angel Carrillo, during TFC 135, Friday September 25, 2015.Nikola Colovic (Left) shares a moment of sportsmanship with his opponent, Max Fuentez, during TFC 135 at the Willowbrook Ballroom, Friday September 25, 2015.Steven Paine Jennings wins the first TFC Muay Thai title fight over his opponent, Lamont Chulo Doyle, during TFC 135.Ramiro Marquez delivers punishment to his opponent, James Harrison, during TFC 135 at the Willowbrook Ballroom, Friday September 25, 2015.Luke Cherep (Top) pounds his opponent, Connor Savage, during Total Fight Challenge (TFC 135) title bout at the Willowbrook Ballroom in Willow Springs, IL.Luke Cherep basks in the glory of victory after securing the TFC title belt during Total Fight Challenge (TFC 135) at the Willowbrook Ballroom in Willow Springs, IL.Luke Cherep proudly displays his TFC title belt during Total Fight Challenge (TFC 135) at the Willowbrook Ballroom in Willow Springs, IL.