The Angry Photographer Busted Claiming Other People's Work!
In today's world of false advertisement, fake news, and fake photographers, nothing comes as a surprise. There are several YouTubers who claim to be "photographers," yet they don't have an actual portfolio of images to justify such a title.
The "Angry Photographer" is one of these fake YouTube photographers who somehow manage to deceive the more gullible within our society into believing they are actual photographers. Some of these YouTubers have cult like followers who stand up for, and try to justify, deceptive practices, copyright infringement, and outright plagiarism. Here are a few videos that highlight the latest scam perpetrated by the "Angry Photographer." I guess he's angry because he doesn't have any quality images of his own.
As I've stressed time and time again, my critique of these people is to bring out the larger issue of our collapsing culture and society. I've invoked philosophers such as Fredric Nietzsche to drive home the point. Nietzsche spoke of a time when the "Last Man" would rule the Earth; a time when excellence would be replaced by a celebration of mediocrity, when technology would replace true creative talent, and when masses of people would huddle up to pat each other on the back, while never criticizing. All of the YouTubers I've recently mentioned resemble Nietzsche's "Last Man."
Wow! The Angry Photographer presenting other people's photos as his own! It takes some big balls to so blatantly deceive people. Nice work calling him out. Totally inexcusable.
The Angry Photographer - A FRAUD & LIAR https://youtu.be/lE7LfPrSgh8
- See his full video re-uploaded here: https://vid.me/eqtO
The original motorbike shot he stole and cropped watermark off: http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/1270/2/...
The bed shot he stole
Used by this model: http://vk.com/id177161929?z=photo1771...
Wild how liberals can reverse reality so effortlessly.
[fvplayer src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/angry-photographer/angry-2.mp4"]