The lesson of Thanksgiving

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The lesson of Thanksgiving…. The reason the first settlers at Plymouth had such a hard time, is because they did not want to work, as William Bradford wrote in his journal. If you think these were the best and the brightest hard-working people, then you believe government propaganda. If you think the Indians came and saved us because we didn’t know how to grow food, you are more naive than I would ever imagine. The Indians were living in the stone age, but it’s a great mythological story! You see, when they first arrived, just like in the book of Acts in the bible, they set up a collectivist totalitarian commune. Everybody had to turn over their goods to the central authority where it would be redistributed. They brought plenty of supplies, but everyone was stealing them from the central stockpile. Things did not change in the colony until everybody was allowed to keep the fruits of their own labor, rather than turning them over to a central authority for redistribution. Hitler once said that Bolshevism was the “bastard child of Christianity.”. He was absolutely correct! The Plymouth colony was founded upon Christian principles, as highlighted in the book of Acts. That’s why they starved to death! America was founded upon enlightenment principles, a rebirth of the Greco-Roman world. Happy Thanksgiving!

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