This is a test! Trump violated his oath of office by conspiring with others to overthrow the election through fraud. This is a test of your moral development and of your actual commitment to our Constitution. The MAGA crowd has fallen woefully short of the mark. I'm not a Harris supporter. I'm not a Trump supporter. This isn't a football game where you pick your favorite team for Sunday entertainment. Trump violated his oath of office by conspiring with others to overthrow the election through fraud. There is no escaping this reality. It truly sucks that he did this, but he did. You are either a moral person who defends our Constitution, or you are a tribalist, loyal to a team rather than to the truth. You can not open and close a door at the same time. Likewise, you can not vote for Trump and be an American patriot. It doesn't work like that..... Mike Montgomery Sr. (Mike wants to know why I call Trump out so much and not Biden) Biden and Harris didn't violate their oath of office by conspiring with others to overthrow the election through fraud. That is a HUGE deal breaker. Trump failed miserably in building the wall and passing legislation. All of this has NOTHING to do with Biden or Harris. This is a test of people's moral development and ACTUAL commitment to our Constitution. You, along with millions of other mindless people, have fallen woefully short of the mark. I guess you have convinced yourself (with the backing of right-wing propaganda that you joyfully consume) that trying to overthrow the last election is just like any bad policy decisions politicians make. Thus we see the display of arrested moral development you folks employ. I don't support Biden, and I do not support Harris. I can't for reasons surrounding their policies. I also cannot support Trump, not only for his failed campaign promises but because of his outright crimes against our Republic. It seems you devote the same amount of mental energy and moral development as you do in watching sports... It's sad to watch so many people like yourself actually suthinkump and think you're a patriot! It's an Orwell novel come to life!

BS. Trump is the better choice