Chicago heroin, heroin addict shooting up

Thoughts Out of Season: Broken Dreams and Shattered Memories

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I'm looking through the Facebook wall of one of the junkies that I have been photographing. It's really tearing me up. He has a wonderful daughter, a brother, a sister, and other family members and friends that care about him very much.

I wish sometimes that I could take away all the pain, all the sadness, all the broken dreams and shattered memories. But, I can't. All I can do is try and live as best I can for this one day, for it's the only day I have.

I'll be sure to bring him a hot coffee, some clean socks, fresh needles, and maybe some hope...

Chicago heroin, heroin addict shooting up

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roy chambers
roy chambers
10 years ago

I feel what those people in your article are undertaking. I to was a heroin user for thirty years. Society doesn’t care about drug users. Maybe if people like yourself continue to bring this sickness to the attention of society, just maybe we’re get some real help. People are dying every day from this mental sickness, they are crying out for help but no one are listening. I thank you for your article, keep up the good work. Eventhough I am fifteen years remove from this sickness, I also am reminded everyday that I will never ever be cured. I thank you again.