Too Many Poor Street Photos…

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I was reading a "rant" posted on another blog recently about an issue I bring up all the time. The street photography world is just saturated with poor work that receives high praise. First step in critiquing your own work: If you are posting street photos more than once a week, you are probably posting junk photos. If you get one good shot a month, you're doing good.

Rant: Street Photographers are Posting Too Many Terrible Photos Online

This post will probably sound harsh to some, but I think it’s needed as street photography has a problem. It may be because of a so-called renaissance in street photography in the past few years, or just the fact it’s become fashionable, but the sheer number of terrible photos is quite impressive.
It’s bad and the reason is often because people aren’t stringent enough when culling photos (choosing your best photos) and too hastily posting online. Many want to hear what others have to say immediately instead of simply trusting their ability to evaluate their own work. MORE

You don't say... Lol. Eric Kim is largely responsible for all the shitty work. We live in the age of the "Last Man," where there is a gluttonous celebration of mediocrity. I don't seek to change anything, I'm just recognizing how it is.

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