Tribe Over Truth – How MAGA Propaganda is Destroying the Republic

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Propaganda is a piece of false information designed to deceive and manipulate people. A really good and clear example of political propaganda would be Trump's claims that he built five hundred miles of "new" border wall. The border wall was Trump's biggest campaign promise, and Trump's biggest failure with only some 50 miles of actual new wall that was built over Trump's four year term.

The most damaging piece of political propaganda of recent times is known as the BIG LIE. This is the lie created and propagated by Trump in which Trump claims the 2020 election was stolen, with Trump actually winning in a landslide victory over Biden.                     

There are two types of people who subscribe to and further propagate this propaganda by spreading misinformation throughout the internet via social media. The first group of people are the true believers. These are a very frightening group of people. Historically speaking, people who so easily subscribe to such propaganda are very easily persuaded to commit atrocities. The next group of people know that the lie is a lie, but give it a pass so that their team can win political power. They falsely believe they are "Saving America" by tossing our Constitution under the bus!                                                       

"Virtue wasn't convenient at the time"

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