It brings me great joy when people come away from my workshops with new vision! I had a really fun afternoon sharing with Ryan. Here's what he had to say about my photography workshop:
It has been a month since I took the workshop with Chuck, and I’m still busy processing the information and ideas he gave me, and practicing the techniques he taught me. The workshop was so full on and rewarding that it has been a constant topic of conversation with my friends since I returned to Beijing, where I live and work, and where I plan to put into action the things inspired to me by Chuck.
The workshop is hands on, expertly laid out and delivered, and ideal for someone wanting to take their photography to the next level. I think this is not just because Chuck is an expert in the technical aspects of photography, and of photo composition, but because he can help you to ask yourself what you want to get from photography and to help you to give it purpose. He inspired me to return to China looking for projects that tell stories and that’s what I intend to do.
Chuck is a really smart guy and knows his shit where photography, philosophy and social problems in urban America are concerned. As well as a great workshop it also doubled as an fascinating tour of the city. He told so many things about Chicago, it’s history, it’s architecture. He told me stories about it’s inhabitants and their lives. Take his word for it when he says “Wear comfortable shoes” - we walked a lot!
It’s hard to express in writing all that I got from the workshop, but I hope this review gives you an idea of my appreciation for Chucks guidance, and that, of course, I sincerely recommend it. I can say with certainty that my capability with a camera as well as my approach to photography is much more directed and purposeful because of the day I spent with Mr. Jines.
Thank you, Ryan Monfared.