I like to be involved with the people I'm photographing. There is so much suffering and need on the Earth. Social documentary photography and photojournalism have provided a means for me to help ease some of the suffering that is in our world.
Photography with a focus: As many people know, I spend some of my time and money trying to bring relief to those who live on the streets of Chicago. Much of my photography focuses on the darker aspects of society. Today while leading a workshop, I came across a rather large man who has a rather large problem. His shoes are past worn out. But that's not the only problem - he wears a size 21! It's real hard to get a size 21 at a thrift store or shelter.

Here's the deal: I'm looking for three people who are willing to donate $20.00 to get this man a new pair of shoes. I'll personally take him to the store and purchase the shoes. He says they will cost $61.00 and some change. If folks toss in the $60.00, I'll throw in the remainder and use my time to get him the shoes. NONE of the money will go for booze or drugs or anything but new shoes. As always, photos will be posted showing him with the new shoes. Street photography is far more than taking interesting photos; it's about social and political action.
When/if I reach the $60.00 goal, I'll shut down the PayPal button:
DING! DING! DING! Thank you Jessica for your donation! Only $40.00 and this man has a new pair of shoes!
Ding! Ding! Ding! Thank you Kristi... Only $20.00 away from some new shoes.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Thank you Doug! The $60.00 goal has now been reached.I will go out sometime on Monday and find this gentleman and see that he gets his new shoes. Many thanks!
Shoe update 8-26-2013: I spent several hours looking for William today with no luck. But, many people now know that I have the money for his new shoes, and they will let him know when they see him next. He's normally on the corner of Wabash and Adams. I'll go down later in the week to see if I can find him. Possibly on Wednesday.
UPDATE: I found William. We went and purchase his new shoes. They were $120.00, so I threw in the rest of the money. Sad to say, William didn't seem at all grateful.